Rent to Buy Savings Calculator
Helping you work out how much you could save towards a deposit with Rent to Buy
If you're getting started on your home ownership journey but haven't got enough saved for a deposit just yet, Rent to Buy is the perfect first step.
When you Rent through the Rent to Buy scheme, you benefit from paying a subsidised amount of rent, allowing you the personal room to save each month, towards a deposit to eventually buy that home through Shared Ownership.
How to use the Rent to Buy calculator
We've made working out how much you could save towards your deposit as easy as possible with the Rent to Buy Calculator. All you will need to get started is the rental amount of the property you are interested in. If the property has been released for rent, you can find this price within the property information on our website
Each scheme has a 'From price' when you search for available properties in your area, if you want to discuss this with a member of our team you can submit an enquiry on the property and we'll get back to you.
The rental amount that is set for the property, takes into consideration a 20% decrease on how much it would cost to rent the same property on the private market. The calculator works out what that 20% amount is, and presents you with the monthly amount you could be saving along with the total amount you could save over 5 years whilst renting the property.
Work out how much you could save towards your Shared Ownership deposit through Rent to Buy
Find your Rent to Buy home
Now you have an idea of how much you could save through renting with Rent to Buy, browse through all of our available homes to make sure you've found the right one for you.
Find a home to rent
Managing Your Savings
Platform Home Ownership are not financial advisors, and this tool is to be used for research purposes only.